2022 Municipal Dividend.
Orwigsburg, PA, April 22, 2022 – During the month of April 2022, municipal clients of Seltzer Group Partners received their annual dividend distribution from the Municipal Risk Management (MRM) Property and Liability and Workers Compensation Trusts in the amount of $587,550.
The dividend was shared among 28 clients in Lehigh, Carbon, Schuylkill, Berks, and Luzerne Counties who have qualified as members of the trusts.
The dividend is from the Municipal Risk Management (MRM) Property and Liability and Workers Compensation Trusts, which were created to provide safe and credible alternative risk management options to local governments in Pennsylvania. The MRM insurance programs are owned entirely by participating members.
Seltzer Group Partners invites anyone serving on Borough Councils, township supervisors, or municipal authority boards that are interested in learning more about the MRM Municipal Insurance Programs, and how they can become members of the trust to share in the annual dividend distribution. The annual dividend distribution has the potential to return a maximum of 70% of annual insurance premiums.
For information, call Kaitlyn Steinhilber at 888-366-1000 ext 203.